This project is a 3D model of a small bar with various objects inside. Every model is made by me from scratch and textured into 5 sets of 4K textures (UDIMs). I worked in Blender to model the objects, render the final images, and do a little bit of compositing. UV unwrapping and packing are made in RizomUV. And Painting and details are made in Substance Painter and Photoshop.

First I gathered references and decided on what my bar would look like and what objects will be inside. Then I started to model the basic shape.

I added more details and changed some things. I imposed a limitation of 5,000 polygons for every object. A lot of objects are way lower than that. The only ones I really needed to carefully measure are bottles and the coffee machine.

Assigning different materials for the later organization of UDIM textures. I chose to work with 5 sets of 2K textures.

Working on organizing UV shells and checking overlaps. I decided to create overlaps for further optimization.

Work in Substance Painter. Baking normals and other texture sets. For normals, I created a high poly model of the bar with all the objects included. Then I assigned and created materials for realistic texture.

I wanted to render the model in Blender, so I exported the textures and checked how it looked.

After some back and forth from Blender to Substance, I decided on the final look. I also changed the composition a little as well as the lighting. I added volume fog for more realism.
The final step was rendering and compositing. I decided to change the material for glasses and bottles for the render. This way it looks more realistic rather when textured. However, they are still part of the textured materials and ready to be exported.