Artemis Fowl - video opening to the book.
The task was to create a video for a book of my choice while making specific steps in order. My choice for the book was Artemis Fowl by Eoin Colfer - a story for children and teenagers about a genius boy who discovers a community of mythical creatures and decides to rob them.
The first step was to figure out a concept for the video, and I went for "Shadows of Mystery". By using the theater of shadows idea and technique I wanted to convey the mysteries and secrets of the original story in the book.
After deciding on the concept I had to create a story for the video and draw a storyboard. It took several attempts to get to a point it was acceptable.
Frames 1-6 (left to right):

Frames 7-12:

Frames 13-18:

Frames 19-24:

Storyboard on a timeline with sound:
After the storyboard was done, I had to find what style I wanted to use.
I relied heavily on the opening of the "The Worst Witch" series and a bit on the opening of the "Tin Tin" movie. I found a lot of similarities between "The Worst Witch" and "Artemis Fowl" stories. Both are full of secrets, magic, and mischief. And the style of "The Worst Witch" matched what I wanted to create for my video, therefore I used the same technique as well.
In conclusion, I can say that I learned a lot, and would do better in the future. I can see my progress in this project and learned quite a bit from it, from technical things to conceptual ideas. The part I enjoyed the most is the animation of the fairy. It took some effort to make it look good and I am satisfied with how it came out. Now I am better prepared for future projects.
Under the guidance of Rotem Nahlieli.
Study project for motion design course - HIT, Visual Communication Department, 2021.